Mike Holm

Developer committed to craftsmanship


HomebotSoftware Engineer

Denver, CO

React, Redux, Reselect, SVG, SCSS, HTML, Javascript, Ruby on Rails

Unlocked code reuse and increased consistency throughout the React app by constructing an independently testable design system and component library focused on a11y and mobile. Led cross-functional team of 4 to deliver features across the stack. Increased test coverage and robustness by moving business logic into selectors and test data into factories. Broke down features into valuable yet actionable chunks of work that could be done by everyone on the team. Led organization-wide agile process transformation, set up ceremonies, working agreements, lunch and learns. Led several lunch and learns on a11y, reusable components, CSS techniques and pitfalls.

CA Technologies (Formerly Rally Software)Software Engineer

Boulder, CO

React, Typescript, Flow, Go, NodeJS, Grunt, Gulp, Ruby on Rails, ExtJS

Major contributor to Mineral-UI, a web UI component library for the company design system built in React. Increased library performance and composability by optimizing render cycles, spreading props on the root component, and composing event handlers. Drove adoption through dev advocacy work, networking with other fornt-end devs and teams around the company and helping them successfully implement Mineral.

Led a team of developers to build a polyglot service development harness with Openshift, Go, Python, Haskell, Rails, and NodeJS. Led another team to develop an email-driven task management and sharing app in Typescript. Built a model code generation pipeline to keep web and mobile devs in sync across geographies.

Upgraded 2-way integration of Rally and Flowdock by implementing webhooks in the Flowdock Rails backend. Increased engineering productivity and eased tensions by creating tooling around the shared Jenkins build pipeline.

Quantum RetailSoftware Engineer

Minneapolis, MN

Java, Java Server Pages, Spring, Hibernate, Gradle, Groovy, Maven, Selenium Webdriver, Oracle SQL

Delighted customers by customizing our allocation and replinishment software to their specific needs. Reduced regressions in JSP web app by building a Selenium Webdriver test suite. Optimized maintainability of the regression suite by implementing the Page Object paradigm and behavior-driven-design. Decreased developer cycle time by optimizing Gradle and Maven build scripts. Led migration from SVN to Git.


St. Olaf CollegeBA Computer Science

C++, Java, Hadoop, SVG, Scheme, Prolog, Bash, Fedora, Ubuntu

Built several AI for competing against in Connect4 in Prolog. Built a map-reduce pipeline to create rhyming poetry from the combined works of Shakespear, Milton, and Spenser using several rhyme schemes in Java Hadoop. Built Mario tribute animation in Scheme compiled to SVG. Built a guitar and drum tablature editor and player in C++.